عن شركة فاكس العقاريه

An aerial view of a modern property featuring a rectangular swimming pool surrounded by lounge chairs and a variety of vegetation. The building is white with a flat roof and multiple levels. The surrounding landscape is a mix of paved pathways, sandy areas, and scattered shrubs.
An aerial view of a modern property featuring a rectangular swimming pool surrounded by lounge chairs and a variety of vegetation. The building is white with a flat roof and multiple levels. The surrounding landscape is a mix of paved pathways, sandy areas, and scattered shrubs.
An aerial view of a modern residential complex featuring multiple high-rise buildings with light-colored roofs and structured layouts. The buildings are surrounded by lush greenery and a large swimming pool with turquoise water. Adjacent to the complex is a neatly maintained road with a bus and landscaped gardens. The overall setting is urban with a touch of natural elements.
An aerial view of a modern residential complex featuring multiple high-rise buildings with light-colored roofs and structured layouts. The buildings are surrounded by lush greenery and a large swimming pool with turquoise water. Adjacent to the complex is a neatly maintained road with a bus and landscaped gardens. The overall setting is urban with a touch of natural elements.

شريكك الموثوق في شراء وبيع وتأجير العقارات في قطر بتميز واحترافية.

روئتنا في فاكس العقاريه

نسعى في فاكس العقارية لأن نكون الشركة الرائدة في تقديم الحلول العقارية في قطر، من خلال تقديم خدمات مبتكرة ومتنوعة تلبي احتياجات عملائنا وتحقق لهم أعلى مستويات الرضا. نركز على تعزيز الاستثمار العقاري وتحقيق التوازن بين الجودة والراحة والابتكار في مشاريعنا، مع الالتزام الكامل بأعلى معايير النزاهة والشفافية

لقد جعلتني شركة فاكس العقارية أبحث عن عقار في غاية السهولة! كان فريق العمل لديهم محترفًا وواسع الاطلاع وفهم احتياجاتي حقًا. أوصي بشدة بخدماتهم في قطر!

سارة احمد

The image features a modern multi-story building with a prominent sign displaying 'Binghatti' at the top. The structure has a repetitive design with square balconies, each having glass railings and a distinctive orange back wall. The building stands against a clear blue sky.
The image features a modern multi-story building with a prominent sign displaying 'Binghatti' at the top. The structure has a repetitive design with square balconies, each having glass railings and a distinctive orange back wall. The building stands against a clear blue sky.
